These all technically come under the heading of movement. And I have been asked frequently, "Isn't movement the same as dancing?" The answer Business Email List would be no. Dancing is only one type of movement in performing arts. The actor moving about on stage is not necessarily dancing. Neither is the orchestra conductor. Movement is just that: movement. All movement is Business Email List motion, falls under the heading of physics and thus abides by the Business Email List laws of nature. For example, breathing follows a pattern and when one speaks, he has to breathe properly, following this pattern.
The same applies to music. For instance, a singer doesn't take a breath within a phrase while singing. Also, a conductor slightly bends his Business Email List knees on strong beats, et al. So movement is a major part of music. The seven aspects we Business Email List have covered so far are: phrasing, climax, characterization of a piece, harmonic progression, contour of the melody line, meter and juncture. Each element has its own particular movement which can and should be embodied and practiced Business Email List until fully grasped, so much so that the performer does not need to think about Business Email List them while performing, but can just do it as second nature, naturally and without effort. Have you ever observed a four-hands duet on the piano?
Occasionally, you will see one performer lean forward while the other leans back. They are not in sync with the harmonic progression of Business Email List their piece. This unfortunately affects their performance. Therefore, it is part and parcel for better musicianship for any musician to know these aspects in music and to be able to embody them by movement practices. These help the Business Email List musician to realize and thus follow the laws of nature. Movement is as relevant to music as it is to dancing and drama. Remember, music falls in the realm of performing arts. These movement Business Email List exercises are not just random and arbitrary ones. Motion has different characteristics.